A3I Campus Asia Short Summer Program at HDU, Hangzhou, The Republic of China

A3I Campus Asia Short Summer Program at HDU, Hangzhou, The Republic of China

Hi everyone! 🌏 The UniMAP students have safely returned to Malaysia, and we wanted to share a special treat with you all! 🎉 We’ve put together a video that captures all the amazing activities and experiences from our unforgettable trip to Hangzhou, China. 🎥✨

Day 1 | 6th August 2024
Our adventure began with a midnight departure from KLIA, setting the stage for an exciting journey to Hangzhou, China. We gathered at the airport, shared dinner, and had a lot of anticipation for the days ahead. The flight to Hangzhou, including a brief transit in Guangzhou, took about six hours. Upon landing at Hangzhou's airport, we were greeted warmly by Boey and Junior, two incredibly kind HDU students who made us feel right at home. 🛫 After a quick lunch around 12:30 PM, while awaiting the arrival of our Japanese friends from the University of Yamanashi, we began to soak in the atmosphere of this beautiful city. Once everyone was together, we headed to our hotel, which is actually owned by HDU. The journey to the hotel allowed us to bond with our new Japanese friends, exchanging stories about life in Japan and Malaysia. The hotel itself exceeded all expectations—grand and luxurious, with every amenity you could need, from cozy rooms to a gym and laundry facilities. We were also warmly welcomed by Ms. Wu, the Vice Director of the International Office at HDU. She thoughtfully provided snacks and milk tea to help us relax and settle in. 🏨 The evening began with a welcome dinner at the hotel’s restaurant, where we were treated to a feast of around 20 different dishes. The seating arrangement was designed to mix students from Korea, Malaysia, Japan, and China, fostering new friendships right from the start. An ice-breaking session added to the fun, with everyone enjoying the delicious food, especially the Yuzu juice. 🍽️🍹 After dinner, we decided to explore the local area with our HDU friends, taking a leisurely walk to a nearby shopping mall. The night was filled with laughter and excitement as we experienced the vibrant nightlife of Hangzhou. It was a perfect end to an unforgettable first day!

Day 2 | 7th August 2024
Our second day started bright and early, with the sun rising around 5 AM—quite different from what we're used to in Malaysia. Despite the early start, the summer heat in Hangzhou was already making itself known. We began our day with a hearty breakfast at the hotel, preparing us for the exciting events ahead. The official opening ceremony was hosted by the wonderful Ms. Wu, who shared fascinating insights into the history of Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU). We were thrilled to learn about the university's esteemed alumni, including the legendary Jack Ma, and the renowned faculty members who have shaped its legacy. At around 9:50 AM, we headed to the administrative building, where we were introduced to the cutting-edge digital technology developments happening in China, particularly in Zhejiang Province. The tour continued with a visit to HDU's state-of-the-art laboratories. One of the highlights was discovering an innovative eye disease diagnostic device developed by HDU, capable of detecting 12 different eye conditions. Even more impressive, it’s already available on the market! This device is a perfect blend of advanced image processing techniques and AI technology. 🧠👁️ We were truly amazed at how rapidly AI is evolving in China. The surprises didn’t end there! We also had the chance to immerse ourselves in a virtual reality experience at the lab. This unforgettable adventure left us in awe of HDU's technological prowess. 🕶️ After a busy morning, we enjoyed a delicious lunch at HDU’s cafeteria. In the afternoon, we explored one of Hangzhou’s most iconic sites, the breathtaking West Lake (Xihu). The West Lake Cultural Landscape, with its serene waters and surrounding hills, has been a source of inspiration for poets, scholars, and artists since the 9th century. As we cruised across the lake on a boat, we marveled at the temples, pagodas, pavilions, and lush gardens that make this UNESCO World Heritage site so special. 🌸⛩️ As the day came to a close, we dined at Xin Bailu, a charming spot near the bustling Wulin Night Market and the premium outlet, Yintai in77. The night ended with a leisurely stroll through the vibrant market before we headed back to the hotel, hearts full and ready for the adventures yet to come.

Day 3 | 8th August 2024
Ni hao from Hangzhou! 🌞 Our day kicked off with our very first Chinese language class at Hangzhou Dianzi University (HDU) at 9:00 AM. We sat in our groups, ready to dive into the fascinating world of the Chinese language. Our first lesson was all about mastering the Chinese finals, which included sounds like "a," "o," "e," "i," "u," "ü," and combinations such as "ai," "ei," "ui," "ao," "ou," "iu," and more. Under the guidance of our teacher, Ms. Yu, we practiced pronouncing each final one by one, echoing her carefully articulated sounds. It was both challenging and fun! To add a bit of competitive spirit, we sent representatives from each group to compete in a pronunciation challenge. We quickly realized that mastering these sounds is no easy feat! Our second session started at 10:45 AM and took us on a culinary journey through China’s food culture, with a special focus on Hangzhou cuisine. The lecturer asked us about the dishes we've already tried in Hangzhou, and we all agreed that Xihu cuyu, or West Lake Steamed Fish with Vinegar, is definitely a must-try local specialty. We also played a fun guessing game, where we tried to identify different Chinese dishes from pictures. It was fascinating to learn that certain foods in China hold special symbolic meanings, especially when it comes to relationships. For instance, serving chicken soup with red dates to a child's partner is a sign of approval and a wish for prosperity for the couple. After the lectures, we had a delicious lunch at the HDU cafeteria before heading off to one of Hangzhou's most revered landmarks, Lingyin Temple, also known as the Temple of the Soul's Retreat. This ancient Buddhist temple, founded in 328 AD by the Indian monk Huili, is not only one of the largest in China but also home to the magnificent statue of Buddha Sakyamuni in the lotus position. It was a serene and spiritual experience, especially for our Buddhist students, who took time to pray at the temple. Before leaving, some of us picked up meaningful souvenirs, such as auspicious bracelets, each symbolizing different blessings—marriage, health, career success, and academic achievement. It was a memorable way to conclude our visit. After an enlightening and eventful day, we returned to the hotel and enjoyed a relaxed dinner on our own. Another incredible day in Hangzhou is in the books, filled with learning, culture, and beautiful experiences.

Day 4 | 9th August 2024
Greetings from Hangzhou! 🌿 Our fourth day here was all about immersing ourselves in the rich language and tea culture of China. We began the day with another session of our Chinese language class. Our teacher, Xiaoyu, had us revise the finals we learned previously and practice them aloud once more. She then introduced us to new sounds, including consonants like “g,” “k,” “h,” “z,” “c,” “s,” as well as “zh,” “ch,” and “sh.” It was challenging yet fascinating to explore the nuances of the Chinese language, especially when we learned about the four tones that can completely change the meaning of words. By mid-morning, we were treated to a special lecture on Chinese tea culture, introduced by Ms. Wu. We were lucky to meet a tea expert who guided us through the world of tea. She explained that China is home to six main types of tea: green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea, and dark tea. We had the pleasure of tasting two different types during the session. Among all, Longjing tea, also known as Dragon Well tea, is particularly famous here in Hangzhou. Our expert showed us how to differentiate a tea leaf from a regular leaf and demonstrated the intricate process of transforming a tea biscuit into a steaming cup of liquid tea. It was a sensory experience that deepened our appreciation for this ancient art. After a delicious lunch, we set off for the Chinese Tea Museum, nestled among lush Longjing tea plantations. Surrounded by the breathtaking greenery, we explored exhibits showcasing traditional tea-making tools like pots, cups, and other equipment used throughout history. It was fascinating to see how these tools have evolved over time. Some of us couldn’t resist buying tea as a souvenir to bring a piece of Hangzhou’s tea culture back home. By 6 PM, we returned to the hotel for a well-deserved rest and enjoyed a relaxing evening with dinner on our own.

Day 5 | 10th August 2024
Happy Saturday from Hangzhou! 🌞 Today started with a relaxed and cozy morning. We had the luxury of sleeping in until 11 AM since we didn’t have any classes. Feeling refreshed, we decided to take a day trip to the historic city of Shaoxing, which is about 2.5 hours away. This was our first experience riding the subway in China, and it was quite an adventure! The subway station was bustling with people, giving us a real taste of everyday life in China. Shaoxing is renowned for its famous Shaoxing wine, a type of "yellow wine" made by fermenting glutinous rice, water, and wheat-based yeast. It’s also the birthplace of one of China’s most celebrated writers, Lu Xun, who was born in 1881 and left a lasting legacy before his death in 1936. As we stepped out of the subway station, we were instantly captivated by Shaoxing’s charming street views. The buildings had an ancient, old-dynasty feel, making it seem like we had traveled back in time. The scenery was absolutely stunning, and we couldn’t resist taking photos of the beautiful surroundings. We enjoyed a delicious lunch at a local restaurant, indulging in the authentic flavors of Shaoxing. The food was incredible, and we also sampled some popular local snacks like yingao and chou dou fu (stinky tofu), which were surprisingly tasty! In the afternoon, we visited the former residence and school of Lu Xun, getting a glimpse into the life and legacy of this influential writer. Some of us even tried ice cream made with Shaoxing wine—a unique and delightful treat! After a day filled with culture and culinary delights, we headed back to the hotel and enjoyed dinner on our own, reflecting on the wonderful experiences we’ve had so far.

Day 6 | 11th August 2024
Today, we joined students from HDU and PKNU for an exciting visit to the Hangzhou Zoo. 🐼 At around 8 AM, we set off, taking the subway and bus to reach the zoo. We were especially excited to see the pandas, and they did not disappoint us—they were absolutely adorable! 🐼❤️ The zoo was filled with all kinds of animals, including playful monkeys, majestic orangutans, cute red pandas, and even lions. One of the highlights of our visit was witnessing an incredible water performance by the sea lions. They performed various high-complexity actions with such grace and skill that we were left in awe. 🦁🐒🦦 Around noon, we took a break for lunch at a Chongqing restaurant near the popular in77 premium outlet. The dishes were spicy and flavorful, offering a delicious taste of Chongqing cuisine. After lunch, we made a quick stop at a local biscuit shop known for its Longjing tea biscuits—perfect souvenirs to bring home! With the rest of the afternoon free, we took the opportunity to explore the shopping mall, browsing through stores and picking up a few things for ourselves. It was a long but fun-filled day, and by the time we returned to the hotel, we were ready to relax and enjoy a quiet dinner on our own.

Day 7 | 12th August 2024
Today was packed with hands-on learning and exciting discoveries! 🌟 Our morning started at 9 AM with a fascinating lecture on making origami robots. This hands-on project had us working with Arduino microcontrollers, infrared light, servo motors, and batteries. It was thrilling to get some practical programming experience, and everyone was excited as we successfully programmed our robots to move forward and backward. Watching our little creations come to life was incredibly rewarding! 🤖💡 By 10:45 AM, we switched gears to attend our Chinese language class, where the teacher introduced more vocabulary, including nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. Our Chinese skills are definitely improving day by day! 🀄📚 After lunch, we attended a lecture on Artificial Intelligence. The session was led by the CEO of a drone company, who shared insights into the application of AI in drone technology. We learned that drones are being used in various fields, such as agriculture, LED light shows, logistics, and photography. It was fascinating to hear how AI is integrated into these drones to detect and manage potential failures. We were truly amazed by the rapid advancements in drone technology and the endless possibilities AI brings to this field! 🚁🤖

Day 8 | 13th August 2024
Today was another exciting day in Hangzhou, filled with cultural learning and beautiful scenery! 🌿 Our morning began at 9 AM with a Chinese language class. But today’s session had a special twist—we learned a Chinese poem! Teacher Yu mentioned that we will perform this poem during the closing ceremony, which added a sense of excitement and anticipation. Three students from UniMAP will take the lead in reciting it, and we can't wait to show what we've learned! 🎤📜 After the language class, we attended a lecture on China’s Traditional Contemporary Etiquette. The lecturer, Ms. Wu, shared fascinating insights into Chinese customs, including how some prominent families maintain their own temples and the various types of foods offered to deities in Chinese culture. The session was interactive, with Ms. Wu inviting students from different countries to share aspects of their own cultures and taboos, making it a truly enriching experience. 🌸🕌 After lunch, we headed to the breathtaking Xixi National Wetland Park and Museum. This vast ecological and cultural reserve in Hangzhou is known for its stunning landscapes filled with ponds, waterways, and abundant biodiversity. The natural beauty combined with historical and cultural significance makes Xixi a must-visit spot for nature lovers and tourists alike. We were in awe of the picturesque views and took plenty of Instagram-worthy photos! 📸🌾 We highly recommend visiting Xixi Wetland as it’s truly one of the iconic landmarks of Hangzhou. Another day of incredible experiences and memories has been added to our journey!

Day 9 | 14th August 2024
Today was a day of learning, creativity, and innovation! ✨ Our morning kicked off with a Chinese language class, where we practiced writing Chinese characters and forming sentences. Teacher Yu encouraged us to practice in groups, and a few students had the chance to showcase their skills. We also took some time to revise the poem we learned yesterday, preparing for our upcoming performance. 📝🌸

After our language session, we dove into the art of Chinese calligraphy. Our calligraphy teacher introduced us to this ancient art form, explaining its long and rich history, not just in China but also in countries like Japan and among the Chinese community in Malaysia. Today’s task was to write a Chinese character on a traditional fan. We were all excited to learn the brush techniques and experience the tranquility and focus that calligraphy requires. It was a beautiful way to connect with Chinese culture and express our creativity! 🎨🖌️

After lunch, we headed to Hikvision, a leading Chinese company specializing in video surveillance products and solutions. Hikvision is renowned globally as one of the largest suppliers in the field of security technology. During our visit, we explored their impressive showroom, which showcased a wide range of products including security cameras, video recorders, and comprehensive surveillance systems. These products cater to various industries such as public safety, transportation, and smart city development. 🛡️🎥

Following the tour, we gathered in the meeting room where we were introduced to the company by Maggie, the HR manager. She shared insights into Hikvision's mission and values, and how they integrate advanced technologies like image processing and AI into their products. Students from Malaysia and Korea actively participated in the discussion, asking questions to both Maggie and the sales manager, Mr. Li. It was inspiring to see how Hikvision is shaping the future of security with innovative solutions. 🚀🔍

Another incredible day filled with learning and exploration! Stay tuned for more exciting updates from our journey in Hangzhou! 🌐📚

Day 10 | 15th August 2024
It’s hard to believe today was our second-to-last day in Hangzhou before heading back to Malaysia! Time has flown by so quickly. As usual, we started our day with a hearty breakfast at the hotel before attending our final Chinese language class. 📚🀄

At 10:45 AM, we gathered for the much-anticipated closing ceremony. Dr. Gu, the program coordinator, delivered a heartfelt speech reflecting on the past ten days of learning and cultural exchange. We then performed the Chinese poem we had practiced in class, and some students were invited to share their experiences and feelings about the program. It was a touching moment, filled with gratitude and fond memories. 🌟❤️

Each participant received a certificate, marking the successful completion of the program. As a token of appreciation, the UniMAP representatives also presented souvenirs to the other three universities involved. The ceremony ended on a high note, and we all moved to the hotel restaurant to enjoy a lovely farewell lunch with our teachers. 🥂🎓

After lunch, we decided to spend our afternoon shopping for special souvenirs to bring back to our families and friends. We headed to Hefang Street via the subway. Stepping into Hefang Street felt like traveling back in time. The street is famous for its preserved Ming and Qing Dynasty architecture, and it's lined with traditional tea houses, herbal medicine shops, handicraft stores, and restaurants serving local specialties like Hangzhou cuisine and Congbao Hui (scallion pancakes). The historical buildings were not only fascinating but also incredibly Instagrammable! We couldn’t resist taking tons of pictures to capture the beauty of this ancient street. 🏮🏯📸

We wrapped up the day by trying a popular local dish for dinner—the Chinese burger. It was delicious and surprisingly affordable, making it the perfect end to our day of exploration. 🍔✨

Day 11 | 16th August 2024
Today was a bittersweet day as it was time to say goodbye to Hangzhou and our wonderful friends from this incredible journey. We packed our bags and gathered in the hotel lobby, ready to leave with heavy hearts. Before departing, we took a group photo with the thoughtful souvenir given to us by the PKNU students—a beautiful photo frame with a portrait of all of us together. We absolutely loved it! ❤️📸 We signed the frame as a keepsake of the friendships we’ve built over these ten days. It was a heartfelt moment, knowing that we might not see each other again but cherishing the bonds we’ve made with our friends from Korea and Japan. These friendships are the true treasures we've gained from this program. 🌏🤝

Our teachers and fellow students accompanied us to Hangzhou airport, where we shared one final group hug and took one last picture together. We knew that we would miss all the wonderful memories we’ve created in Hangzhou. This moment felt incredibly special. With a final wave and a heartfelt goodbye, we checked in and prepared to board our flight back to Malaysia. ✈️💔

The journey back took five hours, filled with reflections on the amazing experiences we’ve had. When we arrived at the Malaysian airport, we said another round of goodbyes, this time to each other. Although we may not see each other again soon after this program, the memories we made will stay with us forever. We couldn’t help but wish we could turn back time and relive each day, starting from Day 1. ⏳✨

Throughout this trip, we’ve gained so much—not just knowledge about culture and technology but, more importantly, lifelong friendships that transcend nationality. Thank you to UniMAP and HDU for giving us the opportunity to be part of this unforgettable program. We will truly miss every moment of it. It’s been the best time of our lives! 🌟🌸