Day 8 - A3I Campus Asia Short & Summer Program at PKNU, Busan South Korea

Day 8: A3I Campus Asia Short & Summer Program at PKNU, Busan, South Korea

Student Updates:
In the morning at 10:00 AM, we attended our last Korean language class, where we played some singing games. UniMAP students won the games. After the games, we continued studying, and the class ended at 12:00 PM.

From 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM, we had lunch and rest time. For the short program, all the groups presented their activities from the past days and weeks. We went to the second floor (computer room) to prepare our PowerPoint presentations.

For the summer program, we used the dataset we collected over the weekend to train and test our AI model using Keras and Google Colab. We tested various models to evaluate their overall performance, adjusting models and variables such as epochs to increase accuracy. We also evaluated the test dataset to output additional metrics, such as accuracy and identification of incorrectly classified images.