A3I Campus Asia Program 2024: Inspiring Send-Off for Students Bound for Japan, China, and South Korea

Symbolic Send-Off for Students of the A3I Campus Asia (Short & Summer) Mobility Program 2024 to Japan, China, and South Korea with Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Shukry Abdul Majid, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), and Prof. Dr. Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs) of UniMAP.

Student representatives and staff were given motivational speeches and words of encouragement by the Deputy Vice-Chancellors before their departure early next week, starting with the group heading to China, followed by South Korea, and finally Japan. May ALLAH ease all their affairs, grant them safe travels, and bring them back home safely, carrying the good name of UniMAP, Perlis, and Malaysia. Amin.